

API generated

Download a PDF receipt

curl "<transaction_id>.pdf" \
    -u <access_token>: > receipt.pdf

A PDF copy of a receipt can be downloaded by making a request to the<transaction_id>.pdf endpoint and saving the data to a file.

Dashboard options

You can generate a receipt PDF file for a payment or refund in the payments tab of the Payload dashboard.

Automatic branded emailed receipts for customers can be enabled from the "Emails and Notifications" tab in the settings section of the dashboard.

Custom receipt attributes

Custom attributes that are associated with a transaction and are not marked private will be included on the receipt. Attributes that start with an underscore are considered private and will not be included on the receipt.

See the example below:

  // Custom attributes for the transaction
  "attrs": {

    // This attribute will be included on the receipt
    "Account Number": "example",

    // Attributes that start with an underscore
    // will be hidden from the receipt
    "_reference_id": "12345"

  "type":  "payment",
  "amount": 10.0