Android Swift Objective-C

Making API Calls

Making Requests

You can make API calls using the built-in asynchronous object APIs included in the SDK. Not all objects are available from the client-side libraries.


Payload.all(, new Payload.Callback<List<pl.Customer>>() {
    public void then(List<pl.Customer> custs) {
Payload.all(, {(obj: Any) in
    let custs = obj as? [Payload.Customer]
    /* Do something with response */
[Payload all: [Customer select] :^(id obj) {
    NSArray *custs = obj;
    Customer *cust = [custs firstObject];
    /* Do something with response */


    set("email", "[email protected]");
    set("name", "Test Account");
}}, new Payload.Callback<pl.Customer>() {
    public void then(pl.Customer cust) {}
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "Test Account"
]), {(obj: Any) in
    let cust = obj as? Payload.Customer
    /* Do something with response */
[Payload create: [[Customer alloc] init:@{
    @"email": @"[email protected]",
    @"name": @"Test Account"
}] :^(id obj) {
    Customer *cust = obj;


Payload.update(cust.set("email", "[email protected]"),
    new Payload.Callback<pl.Customer>() {
        public void then(pl.Customer cust) {}
    "email": "[email protected]"
], {(obj: Any) in
    let cust = obj as? Payload.Customer
    /* Do something with response */
[cust update:@{
    @"email": @"[email protected]"
} :^(id obj) {
    Customer *cust = obj;
    /* Do something with response */


Payload.delete(cust, new Payload.Callback<pl.Customer>() {
    public void then(pl.Customer cust) {}
cust.delete({(obj: Any) in
    /* Do something with response */
[cust delete:^(id obj) {
    /* Do something with response */